Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) HEP Group
Department of Physics
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez

Sudhir Malik

CMS High Energy Physics Group

The group's research activities are funded by an NSF continuing grant. This grant enables the group to conduct research on the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) Experiment at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), CERN, Geneva (Switzerland). The group is working on Supersymmetry searches and Beyond Standard Model Physics. It is also playing a key role in the CMS Pixel Detector which is the tool for a fast online tracking in the High Level Trigger (HLT) for primary vertex reconstruction, electron/photon identification, muon reconstruction, tau-quark identification and b-quark tagging which are pre-requisites for future discoveries at the LHC.

An NSF sub-award from Cornell University further facilitates our contribution to the upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector for the HL-LHC. Many of our students spent time at Cornell University on the upgrade work.

Our group (along with Princeton University) is resposnsible for developing a community framework for software training to prepare the scientific and engineering workforce needed for the computing challenges of HEP experiments This work is facilitated by FIRST-HEP and IRIS-HEP grants.

Federally Funded Grants (lists only my share of the grant)

Current Grants

1. Principal Investigator: PARTNER: Innovating AI for efficient and insightful data transformation (with MIT) Award Number:2334265 (1/Sep/2023-31/Aug/2027): $2,794,342

1. Principal Investigator: RENEW-HEP: U.S. CMS SPRINT - A Scholars Program for Research INTernship: DOE-RENEW (with Brown, Wisconsin, Tougaloo College) Award Number: DOE-0000269890 (1/Jan/2023-31/Dec/2025): $57,990

2. Principal Investigator: Physics Beyond Standard Model with the CMS Pixel Detector: NSF (Continuing grant) Award Number:2111134 (1/Sep/2021-31/Aug/2024): $375,000

3. Principal Investigator: (Sub award - Princeton University): The Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP) Renewal proposal: NSF Award Number: PHY-2323298/Subaward No. 0000736 (1/Sep/2023-31/Aug/2028): $375,000

Expired Grants

3. Principal Investigator: (Sub award - Princeton University): The Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP): NSF Award Number: OAC-1836650/Subaward No. 0000279 (1/Sep/2018-31/Aug/2023): $134,000

6. Principal Investigator: (Sub-award - Cornell University): U.S. CMS Upgrades for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider: NSF Award Number: PHY-1946735/Subaward No. 79433-20684 (1/April/2021-3/Mar/2023) : $60,000

4. Principal Investigator: Physics Beyond Standard Model with the CMS Pixel Detector: NSF (Continuing grant) Award Number:1806759 (1/Sep/2018-31/Aug/2021): $441,089

5. Principal Investigator: Framework for Integrated Research Software Training in High Energy Physics (FIRST-HEP): NSF (Collaborative with Princeton University): Award Number: 1829707 (1/Aug/2018-31/July/2023): $125,000

6. Principal Investigator: (Sub-award - Cornell University): U.S. CMS Upgrades for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider: NSF Award Number: PHY-1946735/Subaward No. 79433-20684 (1/April/2020-1/Sep/2021) : $52,000

7. Principal Investigator: (Sub-award - Cornell University): U.S. CMS OPERATIONS AT THE LARGE HADRON COLLIDER NSF Award Number: PHY-1624356/Subaward No. 78877-10863 (1/Jan/2017-31/March/2020) : $56,806

8. Principal Investigator: Physics Beyond Standard Model with the CMS Pixel Detector: NSF (Continuing grant) Award Number: 1506168 (1/June/2015-31/May/2018): $360,108

Sudhir Malik's Research Group



Graduate (Master) Students

Undergraduate Students