Dr. Sudhir Malik
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics

Sudhir Malik

Research Interests

Experimental Particle Physics, Beyond the Standard Model Physics (BSM), Large Hadron Collider (LHC), particle detector technology, silicon detectors and instrumentation.

I am presently involved in the CMS experiment at the LHC studying signatures for Beyond Standard Model Physics, in particular, Supersymmetry and Dark Matter. In addition, I am involved in research involving the R&D of silicon technology in CMS Experiment for High Luminosity (HL) run of the Larger Hadron Collider.

My other reserach includes training students, teachers and physicists with software amd computing skills needed for research with bigdata.

Selected Publications

(from over 1700 publications on CMS (CERN, Switzerland) and DØ (Fermilab, Illinois) Collaborations